AGM 2019

By March 3, 2019 Announcements

Good Evening

Tuesday 26th March is our AGM at the Alison Arms 7pm. This is open to all current members of the club and is your opportunity to discuss areas where you think we can make improvements in the coming year.

The agenda for the AGM will be:

  1. Welcome
  2. Chairman’s Report
  3. Secretary’s Report
  4. Treasurers Report
  5. 2015 Officers and Committee members stand down 6. Re-election of the New Committee

Any members wishing to stand as a committee member will need to attend the meeting to be voted on.

After the AGM we will then have a committee meeting where everyone is welcome to stay and add any input to the meeting. If there is anything you would like to be on the agenda please let me know.

p.s. There will also be sandwiches for everyone attending.

